About HATDeX
HAT Data Exchange Ltd’s (HATDeX) is a social enterprise with a mission to promote the growth of a global network of HATs and HAT data exchanges.
HATDeX operates under licence from the HAT Community Foundation, a members’ organisation that sets the top-level requirements for the trust framework. HATDeX and HATCF together form the “HAT Foundation” acting in the community interest to regulate, grow and manage the HAT user communities worldwide.
Our Management team
Having worked in engineering leadership positions in a number of defence organisations, Paul has more recently being involved in helping industry to pull applied research into practice (and academics to push!) particularly in the field of engineering services. He is a visiting professor at the University of Kent and Cranfield University. Until late 2015 he was Independent Chair of WMG’s Industry Advisory Board for the HAT Project before becoming a co-founder and director of HATDeX.
Xiao Ma, Chief Technology Officer
Xiao is a hybrid of an academic and an entreprenuer. Prior to co-founding HATDeX, he was the Chief Technology Officer of the HAT research project, since he joined research team as the Senior Reserach Fellow in Digital Innovation at WMG, Univeristy of Warwick. He runs an internatonal business consultancy specialised in new technology adoption, international marketing and business model innovation. He holds the prestigious status of an overseas expert under China’s “1000 Plan” programme.
Andrius Aucinas, Head of Engineering
Andrius has recently fast-tracked through Bachelors and PhD at the University of Cambridge and worked with R&D of some of the biggest telecommunications companies in the world, including Deutsche Telekom and Telefonica. Driven by his love for education Andrius co-founded the Cambridge Coding Academy to help everyone learn the skills. He joined the HAT Project as a post-doctoral researcher at WMG, University of Warwick, and became the a co-founder and the Head of Engineering for HATDeX, leading a highly-skilled team in building the technology for the HAT.
Irene Ng, Chairman and Chief Economist
Irene Ng is a Professor of Marketing and Service Systems and the Director of the International Institute for Product and Service Innovation at WMG, University of Warwick. She is also a Senior Member of Wolfson College, Cambridge. 15 years an entrepreneur and 15 years as an academic, Irene is passionate about the link between practice and research. She is an advisor to startups on new financial and economic models in digital businesses and also one of the 5 thought leaders for ESRC/InnovateUK Innovation Caucus (http://innovationcaucus.co.uk/).
Website at www.ireneng.com