How is your digital relationship with your customers?

Are you getting data and data signals directly from your customers or through someone else?

Are they coming back to your app or service? Or are you losing them?

Are you personalising your service to keep your customer delighted?

Are your customers generating a revenue stream or are you relying on ads or selling data?

Introducing the HAT
A decentralised & private ‘micro-server’ data account which you can issue to your own customers
Personal & Direct
Data straight from your customers. No middle men or data brokers!
- Direct-from-own-customer source of personal data and data signals
- Fully scalable, ONE set of APIs of any-data-combination, with signals for you to create recommendations
- Direct relationship with customer, with trust
- Real-time, on-demand, dynamic personal data and data signals to pull on

Valuable & Engaging
Enable your customer to share data they have about themselves with you through a ‘data debit’
Establish a rolling ‘data debit’ for dynamic, real-time and on demand sharing so you can create engaging and personalised experiences

Have a deeper relationship with your customers and their data
HATDeX has created a technology suite to enable organisations to create direct relationships with their own customers and their data, so they can signal you for recommendations based on their context, interests, preferences and priorities
Visit the developer portal
Put your customer legally and technologically in control of their own data and data signals.
Let them tell you what they want through their own data signals.

In the media

“If The HAT Project’s Model Of Data As A Form Of Currency Comes To Pass, It Will Represent A Turning Point For Businesses That Have So Far Been Helping Themselves.”

“The Platform Allows The Effective Brokering, Exchanging Or Monetising Of Personal Data To Benefit Individuals, Giving Individuals A Voice In The Commercial World.”

“With The Dawn Of The Internet Of Things, It’s Time To Take Control Of Our Connected Lives And Start Benefiting From The New Data Rules. May Be Its Now Time To Put The HAT On!!!”

“This HAT Project Has The Potential To Redefine The Way That The Internet Works. It’s A True Breakthrough Movement.”