The NextGen Digital Challenge Awards

The NextGen Digital Challenge Awards
13th January 2017 No Comments » Uncategorised Jonathan Holtby

As you may have seen from our delighted Social Media posts recently, HAT has received recent accolades in the form of the O2 NextGen Digital Challenge awards. The awards was accompanied by a fantastic evening in the company of the upcoming experts in the digital field. The categories for the evening including Digital Healthcare, Economic Development and Rural connectivity.

HAT received the nomination in the category Innovative Digital Applications in June, before even Beta HAT’s had been launched. So it was a definite surprise and honour to receive the Runner-Up position for this category.

“Imagination and innovation in applied digital technologies is often the result of a collaboration between two or more specialist fields. Time and again this inter-disciplinary process is demonstrated in the case studies that come before the judging panel – new ways of applying digital expertise and insight in unexpected corners of the economy and communities.” is a signature quote made by Lord Erroll that evening, and we believe it is almost perfectly reflect our goals of combining digital and economic fields.

Moving on from here, HAT will continue to strive to be innovative in the way we roll out services on the platform. We will do this by growing our digital capabilities to provide better personal data services with the help of our community.


The NextGen Digital awards press release can be found here, along with the list of the 2016 winners here.




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