Oh, what a launch night!
On the 16th of February the Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG) hosted a fantastic evening in The Shard, one of London’s most illustrious venues, to mark WMG’s handover of the HAT to the HAT Foundation and The HATDeX.
The night bagan with enjoyable Networking between the HAT team, those interested in the project and those there for the light hor d’oeuvres. The latter, of course, being a joke – as the room was alive with excitement for the project – the snacks were just a bonus!
The congregation moved to the lectureroom to hear the handover presentation wonderfully introduced by Neil Crockett (@neildigitcat), Digital Catapult’s CEO:
After the crowd had been roused to the potential Irene Ng (@Ireneclng), HATDeX’s Chairman and Chief Economist, detailed the inspiration behind the project, the hard work accomplished so far and the future of HATDeX. Companies take our data because we let them – that is normal, and so few have questioned this – until now.
You can check out the slides for the presentation in better detail here.
Then came the main event – the demonstation. Joined by HATDeX’s Head of Engineering, Andrius Aucinas (@AndriusAuc), the pair demonstrated Rumpel – The worlds’ first Hyperdata browser for your HAT data.
Whilst not fully operational, Rumpel had some neat tricks up its sleeve, managing to bring data from Maps, Calendars, Email and Notes, paving the way for more creative combinations of data to be used and exchanged.
The event also featured four HAT stations that showcased the different aspects of the HAT Project; the research, the technology, the HATDeX certification compliance and governance, and the HATDeX Indigogo campaign. This gave the guests a chance to engage with those involved and ask all of their burning questions.
The end of the evening drew in but definitely left the crowd wanting more!
If you want to find out more about the HAT, follow Facebook page or Twitter (@TheHATDeX). And be Sure to check out our Indiegogo Campaign.