MarketSquare™ – A HAT-ready public space on the internet
When individuals have their own HATs, interactions on the Internet would change. Organizations could have offers for individuals, just as individuals could have offers for organizations. To facilitate this new world of exchanges, we built MarketSquare™, the exchange platform where individuals could check out data offers and interact with one another ‘server’-to-‘server’. MarketSquare™ also subscribes to the ethos of the HAT ecosystem, that everyone has a say on how our digital public spaces should be.
MarketSquare™ Featured Services
For individuals:
- Chat with other HAT users on the Chatroom
- Browse data offers for your HAT data
- Check out what new dataplugs are available for you to claim your data into your HAT.
- Broadcast the notes you create on Notables@MarketSquare take them off the public space whenever you wish. Check out what the community is up to.
- Earn crowns when you claim a data offer
For corporations:
- Register dataplugs (the way data is pulled into the HAT by HAT users). Dataplugs on the HAT system could be free for users, or chargeable to users.
- Browse Metadata Statistics of the HAT ecosystem
- Register as a Datashopper. The data shopper is a service on MarketSquare™ lets you ask HAT users directly for their data, and you can persuade HAT users to exchange it in return for benefits. Within data shopper, you have the option of choosing the segment of HAT users by gender, age group, country and city and once you have chosen the segment of HAT users you wish to obtain data from, you can then specify exactly what type of data you wish to acquire and what benefit (e.g. Cash, vouchers etc.) you will give in return. The data will be available for you to retrieve via data debit (all data is within one bundle of a data debit) which is an API endpoint on each HAT that has accepted your offer. The conversion of the data returned by the API endpoint (in JSON format) to actual viewable and usable data in your system would depend on your software and how your software would use this data and how this data is integrated into your system. <More about DataShopper>
- DEXter is a service that handles data collection from individual HATs signed up to a data offer. It periodically checks every individual HAT that has subscribed to a data offer for new data and processes it as desired: exposes to a web interface (HAT2Web), provides an API endpoint for other applications to call upon to quickly fetch the aggregated, cached data for all HATs and acts as a node for integrating other HAT-ready services. An example of DEXter working with HAT2Web is the Notables service on MarketSquare, a public broadcasting service that checks HATs for shared notes and post them into the Notables@MarketSquare service.
- ADS2Me (coming soon) is the first personalised advert service on the HAT ecosystem. HAT users can sign up to this service by enabling the spotlight box on their Rumpel dashboard. When enabled, users can choose what data they are willing to share e.g. (location, profile information such as date of birth, name, home city, coffee preferences, grocery preferences etc.) using DEXter. ADS2Me also interacts with advertisers on the other hand to collect ads matching chosen criteria from the available dataset. Integrates with Rumpel the service chooses what ads to show to a user based on their HAT ID and at the same time providing privacy-preserving analytics to advertisers about subscribed users and ad impressions/clicks.
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